What is e-IMPAQc?

e-IMPAQc (Electronic Implementation of Patient- and Caregiver-reported Outcomes Across Cancer Centres in Quebec) is an interactive online program designed to help patients with cancer track and manage physical and emotional symptoms, along with practical everyday challenges.

Consult the explanation video below : 

How to access e-IMPAQc ?

Once e-IMPAQc is available at your center, a member of the care team at your hospital will provide information on how to access the program. 

If you are a patient or caregiver interested in participating in the research study, please contact us at e.impaqc.comtl@ssss.gouv.qc.ca


How does it work?

  1. Patients are able to report their symptoms directly to their healthcare team by answering questionnaires electronically, whether on their computer, smartphone or tablet.
  2. A symptom summary report is sent to both the patient and their healthcare team, to help keep track of the symptoms and improve communication during appointments. The patient also receives personalized resources to help them manage the milder symptoms at home.

Research shows that regular symptom tracking and management can lead to a more effective treatment, ultimately contributing to a better quality of life.

For more information

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