
In accordance with the Act to combat maltreatment of seniors and other adults in vulnerable situations, adopted by Québec’s National Assembly on May 30, 2017, the Montréal West Island CIUSSS has developed a policy that is intended to simplify the process and encourage you to identify, report, and/or take charge of all cases of maltreatment in collaboration with the Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner.


Groups covered by this law

  • Seniors;
  • Individuals with a significant loss of autonomy;
  • Incompetent individuals;
  • Individuals with mental health issues;
  • Individuals on the autism spectrum;
  • Individuals with a physical handicap;
  • Individuals with intellectual disabilities.

The Youth Protection Directorate handles cases of abuse involving minors.

Fact or fiction?

Maltreatment of seniors and other adults in vulnerable situations is most commonly committed by strangers. True or False?


In the majority of cases, maltreatment of seniors and other adults in vulnerable situations is committed by someone they know. For example, 55% of cases handled by the Ligne Aide Abus Aînés (Elder Mistreatment Helpline) involve a member of the immediate or extended family.

The risk of maltreatment varies with the victim’s income level.


In fact, anyone can be a victim of maltreatment, regardless of their social or financial status.

Having a good social network, remaining socially active in the community, and having strong self-awareness help to protect against maltreatment.


These are some of the intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics that can reduce the risk of maltreatment. On the other hand, social isolation, being dependent for basic care, having difficulty in expressing oneself, and being female can increase vulnerability.

Need Information?

Service Quality and Complaints Commission

1 844 630-5125

Lakeshore General Hospital
160 Stillview Ave., Room 1289
Pointe-Claire (Québec) H9R 2Y2

Ligne Aide Maltraitance Adultes Aînés (Elder Mistreatment Helpline)


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