Wearing a mask remains mandatory if you have respiratory or gastro symptoms.
Registration Kiosk

IMPORTANT NOTICEFor consultations with the routine nursing care services, please note that these services are only accessible with an appointment for the CLSC de PierrefondsHow to make an appointment for routine nursing care at my CLSC?APPOINTMENTS ARE MADE BY TELEPHONEMonday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.(except on statutory holidays)
When taking your appointment, please have in hand:
Our goal is to provide you with the fastest possible access. However, due to the variable volume of requests, it may take longer than usual to obtain your appointment, or you may be redirected to another resource.We thank you for your comprehension.
- Authentication of health insurance cards
- Prenatal classes
- Screening
- Youth Clinic
- Wheelchair, walker and rollator rental
- Interpreter
- Sharps (used needles and syringes) disposal
- Screening and prevention service for sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (clients 25 years of age and under)
- Vaccination