Contact us

General information

Should you have any questions concerning services offered to the West Island of Montréal population, please call the Info-CIUSSS Line at:

Phone (7 days a week): 514 630-2123

  • Monday to Friday: 10 am to 6 pm
  • Saturday and Sunday: 10 am to 5 pm


Human Resources Client Service

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Accessing your medical file

For information on how to access your medical file or that of a deceased person, see the "Access To Your Medical Record" section.

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Requests to Access Information

To access statistics, policies and other administrative documents

Administrative Component

Bachar Daher
Head of Legal Affairs - Communications, Public Relations and Legal Affairs Directorate


To access medical records and/or a user's file

Access to your medical file or that of a deceased person

Access to Information and Privacy Officer

Jenny Tshilumba
Head of archives, reception, admission and clinical information security services
Responsible for public organization’s documents access and personal information protection - User files


To access a Youth Protection (DPJ) file (client dossier)

Youth Component

Kimberly Bless
Interim Chief of Clinical Continuum and Multisite Operations
5 Weredale Park
Westmount (QC) H3Z 1Y5
Tel. : 514 989-1885, extension 1145
Fax. : 514-939-0605

Billing, accounts receivable, trust and funds services

Emergency care and short-term hospitalization

Contact per facility

Lakeshore General Hospital

Fax : 514 630-7173

Hôpital de LaSalle
Tél. : 514 362-8000 poste 31740
Fax : 514 367-8343
Hôpital Sainte-Anne
Tél. : 514 457-3440 poste 2451
Fax : 514 457-8446
St.Mary's Hospital Centre
Tél. : 514 345-3511 poste 2670 et 3350
Fax : 514 734-2781
Douglas Mental Health University Institute
Tél. : 514 761-6131 poste 3643
Fax : 514 888-4083

For more information :

Keven Lessard Caron, CPA, MBA
Department Manager - Short term


Contact per facility

West Montreal Readaptation Centre Lyne Lévis: Administrative agent
Tel. : 514 693-6608<
Douglas Mental Health University Institute Sofiane Maouche:  Administrative agent
Tel. : 514 693-2547
Various Cheyenne Clarke:  Administrative agent 
Tel. : 514 693-5087
Lyne Lévis:  Administrative agent
Tel. : 514 693-6608<
End of period accounting Georgeta Pinzar Suciu: Administrative technician
Tel. : 514 693-6605

Long-term accommodation

Contact per facility

Centre de soins prolongés Grace Dart
Centre d’hébergement de Dorval
Parvoleta Dimitrova : Agente administrative
Tel.: 514 255-2834 poste 3331
RI St-Raphaël et Valeo
Lakeshore General Hospital
Centre d’hébergement Denis-Benjamin-Viger
CHSLD ODIM (ex. Maison Heron)
Manoir de l’Ouest
Fatime Almass Saleh : Administrative agent
Tel. : 514 693-6629
CHSLD Argyle - Pointe Claire
Hôpital de LaSalle (long-term)
Centre d’hébergement de Lachine
Ruth Roa : Administrative agent
Tel. : 514 693-6628
RI Floralies Lasalle, Villa Sainte-Anne,
Floralies Lachine et Pavillon Lasalle
Christeen Jandy : Administrative agent
Tel. : 514 693-6601
Centre d’hébergement Nazaire-Piché and St.Mary's Hospital Centre
CHSLD en santé mentale de Lachine
Douglas Mental Health University Institute
Myrian Veliz Z. : Administrative agent
Tel. : 514 693-6598
Hôpital Sainte-Anne Jacinthe Ouimet : Administrative agent
Tel. : 514 457-3440 poste 2307

For more information :

Sandra Garay
Financial Management Officer Accounts Receivable

Trust and funds

Contact per facility

Trust - Douglas Mental Health University Institute Carole Blanchard : Administrative agent
Tel. : 514 761 6131 poste 3766
West Island Readaptation Centre Solange Landry : Administrative agent
Tel. : 514 761-6131 poste 2701
St.Mary's General Hospital
Hôpital de LaSalle
Lakeshore General Hospital
CHSLD en santé mentale de Lachine
Georges Koua : Administrative agent
Tel. : 514 761-6131 poste 3521
Centres d’hébergement Denis-Benjamin-Viger,
de LaSalle, de Dorval et Nazaire-Piché
Mary Antonacci : Administrative agent
Tel. : 514 761-6131 poste 2703
Centre de soins prolongés Grace Dart Parvoleta Dimitrova : Administrative agent
Tel. : 514 255-2834 poste 3331
Hôpital Sainte-Anne Sylvie Carle : Administrative agent
Tel. : 514 457-3440, poste 2451
Jacinthe Ouimet : Administrative agent
Tel. : 514 457-3440 poste 2307

For more information : 

Céline Doré, MBA, CPA
Financial Management Officer - Billing, Accounts Receivable, Trust
Tél. : 514 761-6131 poste 4162

Suppliers and Contracts

Directive on Service Contracts Not Subject to Executive Authorization based on the Act respecting workforce management and control within government departments, public sector bodies and networks and state-owned enterprises (AWMC)

Contract Management Complaints 

To file a complaint under the applicable laws and regulations, please follow the Procedure concerning the handling and examination of complaints provided for in the Act respecting contracting by public bodies (ACPB).

  1. The complaint must be outlined here . (Link in French)
  2. The complaint must also be submitted electronically to the Montréal West Island IUHSSC’s Contract Management Department at

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