Prenatal Classes and Prenatal Information Sessions

Prenatal Classes

Prenatal classes are designed to prepare parents-to-be for the pregnancy, birth and arrival of their baby. These interactive classes are facilitated by an experienced perinatal nurse or a nutritionist.

Prenatal classes are offered in virtual or hybrid mode (a combination of virtual and face-to-face), depending on the territory. Meetings last between 1h30 and 2 hours, depending on the type of meeting and participation.

Nutrition (mother-to-be and newborn)Nutritionist 
  • Healthy lifestyle during pregnancy 
  • Healthy lifestyle during the post-natal period
Preparing for childbirthNurse
  • The stages of labour
  • Comfort measures
Feeding your newbornNurse
  • Feeding a newborn 
  • Breastfeeding tips and basic principles (position, latching, etc.)
Going home with baby Nurse
  • Caring for a newborn
  • Safety concerns
  • Resources

Additional information

  • To encourage conversation and information sharing, you must have your camera turned on during the online sessions. 
  • Images, videos and documents will be shown during the class. To make it easier for you to see them, we recommend attending the class on a device other than a cell phone. 
  • You will receive a list of learning materials/resources one week before the session. Please take the time to go over the information prior to the meeting so that we may spend the time we need addressing your questions/concerns.

Registration Process

To register, please fill out the form and send it to the appropriate email address:

Preparing for your hospital stay: delivery and breastfeeding session

Information sessions are offered by your delivering center, either Lakeshore General Hospital, Hôpital de LaSalle or St Mary's Hospital Centre. These sessions are given by an experienced perinatal nurse who will offer you excellent advice and answer your questions.  

In order to familiarize yourself with your birthing hospital, we encourage you and your support person to join one of our information sessions to help you prepare for your hospital stay.

Virtual information sessions will cover the following subjects:

  • When to go to the hospital  
  • What to expect during the delivery and post-partum period 
  • What to expect in the first few days after your baby is born
  • Breastfeeding 

Book a free information session here


  • Length: 90 minutes 
  • Registration: Ideally, between the 32nd week and the 36th week of pregnancy
  • Languages: Sessions are available in English and French   

If there is no availability before your due date, please send an email to (in your email, please don’t forget to give us your expected due date, birth location, first and last name). 

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Contact us

For more information, please call:

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