Palliative and End-of-Life care
Palliative care is aimed at providing support for individuals and loved ones coping with a life-limiting illness.
This service is offered when a cure is no longer possible, but does not signify the end of treatment. It is an active approach to care that focuses on addressing the concerns and needs of both patients and loved ones. Palliative care aims to improve the quality of life of those facing an incurable illness through the provision of symptom management as well as physical, psychological, social, emotional, spiritual, and practical support.
End-of-life care is for those whose life expectancy is very limited. They are offered to patients who are nearing the end of their life.
Both are regulated by an Act Respecting End-of-Life Care. The Act therefore regulates:
The following are also regulated by this act:
- Palliative care, including palliative sedation
- Medical aid in dying
- Advance medical directives
The provision of end-of-life care is guided by the following principles:
- Respect for the individual and recognition of their rights and freedoms must inspire every act performed in their regard.
- End-of-life patients must be treated, at all times, with understanding, compassion, courtesy and fairness, and with respect for their dignity, autonomy, wishes, needs, and safety.
- The healthcare team providing care to end-of-life patients must establish and maintain open and transparent communication with them.
How can I benefit from these services?
These services are provided by a range of health professionals. As the case becomes more complex, a specialized team is likely to be involved.
Speak to your healthcare provider.
Tools and resources
Levels of care. Let's talk about it
Palliative Care: More than End-of-Life Care
End-of‑life care - JuridiQC website (
Soins médicaux de fin de vie - Site du Collège des médecins du Québec ( (FR only)
Politique relative aux soins de fin de vie et aux directives médicales anticipées (FR only)