Whooping cough (also known as pertussis) is a highly contagious disease characterized by severe and uncontrollable coughing fits.
The bacterium is spread through droplets from the nose and throat of infected individuals.
Possible complications of whooping cough may include:
- Ear infections
- Pneumonia
- Convulsions (the body stiffens and the muscles involuntarily contract and relax resulting in repeated jerky movements)
- Rib fractures
- Hernias
Less common complications include:
- Brain damage
- Death
We offer free whooping cough testing WITH a medical referral.
Whooping cough can be treated with antibiotics provided the person has had the cough for less than three weeks. Treatment will help reduce the risk of spreading the infection. In some cases, it will also help reduce symptoms. Taking the antibiotics as prescribed is very important even if you start to feel better.
Who can benefit from testing?
With a medical referral
Whooping cough can only be diagnosed by healthcare providers. If you have a severe or persistent cough, see a doctor as they will be able to give you a medical referral for a whooping cough test. You should also see a doctor if you have been in contact with someone who has whooping cough.
Individuals at risk of complications are:
- Children under 6 months old
- Children 6 to 12 months old who have not received the first 3 doses of the vaccine
- Pregnant women nearing the end of their pregnancy (within 4 weeks of giving birth)
Where can I go for testing?
To make an appointment
Appointments can only be made by phone.
- Info CIUSSS call centre: 514-630-2123
What to bring to the appointment
Please bring the following with you to your appointment :
- Health insurance card