The project
A number of adults currently live in a variety of residential facilities due to the care and services required by their physical condition. However, this does not always meet their psychosocial, capacity-building and self-determination needs. The Dorval Alternative Home project is part of a major transformation of residential and long-term care facilities taking place across Québec.
The Dorval Alternative Home is a long-term care facility dedicated to a clientele with specific needs. The aim is to provide its residents with a functional, modern living environment that is focused on and adapted to their needs, with a more human feel that is reminiscent of home life.
The Dorval Alternative Home is located at 875 Dawson Avenue, on the lot next to the Batshaw Youth and Family Centres, another Montreal West CIUSSS facility.
Click here to go to the Dorval Alternative Home recruitment page
The clientele
This 72-bed residence is intended for adult clients (aged 18 and older) with physical and/or intellectual disabilities or an autism spectrum disorder who require significant healthcare, adaptation and rehabilitation services. The clientele will not present any severe behavioural disorder.
The concept
- Architecturally, the Dorval Alternative Home consist of 6 air-conditioned units with 12 rooms each, each with their own bathroom, equipped with an adapted shower.
- Each unit has plenty of windows, common areas, and access to landscaped outdoor spaces and balconies. The physical environment is flexible and adapted to the residents’ physical and psychological needs.
- The alternative home is a welcoming place where care and services are centred on the needs, preferences, and rhythms of the residents and their loved ones;
- The interior and exterior environment is residential and family-oriented. The aim is to make it feel like home;
- The human dimension is central to the relationship between the residents, their loved ones, the staff, and the community.
To learn more about the project, watch the video below produced by the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux :
Presence of loved ones
Loved ones are welcome at all times, according to the resident’s wishes. The family and loved ones are invited to spend time together, for example, by having a meal alone together. Maintaining ties with caregivers is important in residents’ day-to-day lives. Therefore:
- Visits are permitted at all times;
- Studios are made available to caregivers to enable them to stay for short periods in the alternative home;
- Caregivers are encouraged to take part in the day-to-day activities of the home (leisure activities, daily living activities, domestic activities, etc.).
Photo Gallery
Project timeline
Construction work | June 2022 to August 2024 |
Building activation period | August to September 2024 |
First residents welcome | October 2, 2024 |
Official Inauguration | December 9, 2024 |
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Grouped by theme, this FAQ aims to answer general questions about the alternative home. For further information, please contact the team at the below address.
How to request a placement in the Dorval Alternative Home?
The access procedures for the Dorval Alternative Home are identical to the CHSLD admission process. The alternative home is designed for clients with significant disabilities.
To begin an admission process, users must contact the ID-ASD-PD access portal in their territory, or their Home Support respondent, so that a professional can assess the user's abilities. The result of this assessment will determine whether a need for a residential resource has been identified, or whether another solution would better meet the user's needs. Please note that if the need for a residential resource is not immediately indicated, the file cannot be processed.
The alternative home is subject to the same financial framework as CHSLDs. For more information, please consult the page - Accommodation in a public facility.
Contact information for the Montreal West Island CIUSSS ID-ASD-PD access portal:
- 514 363-3025, ext. 2257
- Guichet-Acces-DI-TSA-DP.comtl@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
What are the expected benefits for the residents?
- The Dorval Alternative Home will provide residents with a welcoming place where care and services are centred on individual needs, preferences, and rhythms. As a result, work organization will be flexible to better meet the needs of the residents and their loved ones.
- This is a significant change in the way we design infrastructures and provide care and services to residents. This new vision for residential care in Quebec strengthens the human aspects of the relationships between the residents, their loved ones, the staff, and the community.
What is the approach to community relations?
- The Senior and Alternative homes are integral components of their community. They are centrally located to encourage contact and a sense of belonging. Residents are strongly encouraged to take part in community activities. The relationships the residents have with their loved ones, staff, volunteers, and the community are essential.
- Being open to the community makes it possible to create relationships with community, education, and recreational organizations. These relationships allow the residents to take part in activities within the community. Furthermore, the Dorval Alternative Home will include spaces reserved for community activities, which will also serve to promote closer relationships with the residents.
Will there be volunteering opportunities at the MDA?
- Absolutely! Volunteers and informal caregivers are strongly encouraged at the Dorval Alternative Home. It encourages active participation in community life and prevents the residents from becoming isolated. The setting of the home is also designed to support an optimal integration of the residents into the community.
How to become a volunteer
Would you like to volunteer with us? You can do so at a number of our facilities.
Project-related communications
Write to us at ma.comtl@ssss.gouv.qc.ca.
- If you have questions or comments on the Dorval Alternative Home;
NEWS AND EVENTS (in French only)
- 2024.12.09 La nouvelle Maison alternative Dorval accueille ses premiers résidents
- 2022.06.23 Première pelletée de terre pour la maison alternative de Dorval
- 2020.03.03 Maisons alternatives – La ministre Chantal Rouleau et le député Richard Campeau annoncent la construction d’une maison alternative à Dorval
- 2020.01.24 Maisons alternatives – 112 nouvelles places dans la région de Montréal
- 2019.11.26 CHSLD et maisons des aînés – Le gouvernement du Québec annonce un projet de transformation majeure des milieux d’hébergement pour aînés et adultes ayant des besoins spécifiques au Québec