The Wonderful Talents of Work Program Participants!

    The Wonderful Talents of Work Program Participants!

    We all know that the COVID-19 pandemic interfered with everyone’s lives and activities for a long time. Unfortunately this was also true for the users who participate in the work program at Ste. Anne’s Hospital (SAH). Because of the sanitary measures that were in effect they couldn’t go there to carry on their usual work routines. However, they were relocated to another facility, where they provided tremendous support to our institution by preparing almost 400 000 test kits, which were distributed to our clinics during the pandemic.

    For these users, entrusted to the care of the Intellectual Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Physical Disability Directorate, returning to a much more normal routine was a real joy. They have been back at SAH for a while now, where they are once again interacting with the community there.

    To brighten up a passageway in this residential facility, seven users who take part in this work program came up with the wonderful idea of creating two paintings done in acrylics. Working together under the supervision of Linda Laflamme, the specialized educator who is responsible for this group, they all shared their ideas to come up with the design for these two pieces. And then artist Lena Baldoni used her talents to put their ideas to canvas! 

    The results are magnificent! The two beautiful paintings of winter scenes have garnered many compliments from residents, staff, and visitors.

    Congratulations to the participants in the SAH work program: Lena Baldoni, Jed-Clyde Bermillo, Zoe Chalkousi, Cédric Comtois, Stéphanie Nguyen, Mina Todaro, and Lisa Walsh.

    And thank you to the SAH Recreation Department, who generously supplied the materials needed for creating these works of art.  

    A winter scene with buildings representing Ste. Anne’s Hospital in the background. 

    People enjoying a very popular winter pastime, skating.

    Artist Lena Baldoni, a work program participant, who used her remarkable talent to bring the ideas of her program partners to life.

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