Chocolate Brings Joy to Everyone!

    Chocolate Brings Joy to Everyone!

    The Recreation Department at Ste. Anne’s Hospital (SAH) certainly found a creative way to celebrate Valentine’s Day at the facility. A few days ahead of time, they set up a kiosk where employees could order chocolates for their colleagues.

    Then, on February 14, the Recreation Department team spread out across the facility to distribute those chocolate-grams to the lucky recipients. There were plenty of happy surprises!

    This activity brought joy both to those giving and those receiving chocolate-grams. Even better, the funds raised through this activity will go toward an upcoming activity that is being planned for all civilian and veteran residents at SAH.

    On the left, recreation technician Megan Woodworth, was very pleased to deliver a sweet treat to Liberica Guerrero, a beneficiary attendant on the 11th floor.

    A remarkable number of chocolate-grams were distributed to staff and managers at SAH.

    Recreation technician Sandra Sylvestre enthusiastically staffed the kiosk at which employees could order chocolate-grams for their colleagues.

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