Phasing Out Single-Use Plastics: No Small Challenge!
As of December 20, 2022, Canada has prohibited the manufacture, import and sale of single-use plastics such as checkout bags, cutlery, food service ware, stir sticks and straws. In Montréal, the regulation came into effect on March 28, 2023. For the CIUSSS’ Food Services Department, it is nothing short of a revolution. The regulation applies to all food service locations that sell to employees, including catering services. While an effort is being made to use less plastic when serving food to clients, they will not be affected by this regulation for the time being. Our clients will benefit from our remaining inventory.
“The switchover began just over a year ago and will be completed over a three-year period,” explains Food Services Coordinator Hiba Samhat. “The department heads in each of the facilities had to start by taking inventory of all the products they use, then assess the quantities and costs associated. Then came the more lengthy process of searching for, analysing and identifying alternatives and suppliers.”
It is important to know that at our institution, purchases and calls for tenders are governed by the Centre d’acquisitions gouvernementales (CAG), whose mission is to provide ministries and public bodies the goods and services they require in the exercise of their functions, at a fair price, with a view to optimizing government procurement in compliance with applicable contract rules. The CAG is currently looking for alternative solutions.
For the Food Services managers across our facilities, finding alternative products is a real challenge! Not only do suppliers have few products on offer, but they cost 20 to 30 times more! Furthermore, non-compliance with the Ville de Montréal’s regulation is subject to fines of up to $2000.
“We are looking for solutions and are confident that the situation will be resolved,” adds Ms. Samhat. “It’s a team effort. We are also working closely with the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec, in an effort to purchase more locally grown foods and reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions.”
In the last year, we were able to prevent the use of 335,000 disposable plastic glasses by distributing beverages in reusable glasses in our three hospitals. Needless to say, our CIUSSS is fully committed to going green.