Electronic Medical Records: Coming Soon to the Lakeshore General Hospital!

    Electronic Medical Records: Coming Soon to the Lakeshore General Hospital!

    Faster access, information sharing, shorter wait times, streamlined patient services.  These are just a few of the benefits associated with the upcoming implementation of the clinical information system (OACIS) at the Lakeshore General Hospital (LGH).  

    Paper records will soon be a thing of the past at LGH. The time has come to transition away from this practice, which requires a great deal of manipulation and searching, not to mention physical storage space. The new technology will streamline patient services by consolidating all of the patient’s forms and clinical documentation electronically and in one place. 

    With the clinical viewer, our clinicians will be able to quickly access comprehensive reports and images, including scanned documents, graphs and trending views. This system will give healthcare professionals access to comprehensive patient summaries that provide a complete view of a patient’s status, treatment plan, test results and more,” adds Dawn Bonsor, the assistant to the director of Information Resources and Biomedical Engineering at our CIUSSS.  

    Tried, tested and proven
    Many hospitals, clinics and FMGs across Québec have been collecting and sharing patient-physician information for several years, using tools as simple as tablets. This allows for information to be collected throughout the course of the patient’s journey and for data to be entered by the various caregivers then hosted in a data centre.  The result is an improved treatment plan: every caregiver can see the attending physician’s recommendations, can follow a protocol and add their follow-up notes as it will be possible to enter data. One of the greatest benefits of implementing the OACIS system is that back-and-forths to the archives will no longer be required and wait times between the various departments will be shorter. Not to mention the fact that borrowed paper records can be lost or unavailable.   

    Pooling all the resources through the use of electronic medical records management tools is an important step towards further improving the quality of the services we offer our clientele. Faster and more streamlined services will only serve to enhance the patient experience during their stay at LGH,” explains Dan Gabay, the President and CEO of our CIUSSS.

    Implementation to keep pace with the employees
    OACIS will be introduced gradually and at a pace that will be in keeping with the staff’s ability to adapt and learn.  Information and training sessions, as well as simulations, will be made available. Several tools aimed at keeping the staff well informed, including guides and access to resource personnel, will also be offered. The first phase of implementation of this new system is set to begin shortly. This is a win-win innovation for all, starting with the patients. It is a giant leap forwards for this facility! 

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