Winning on Multiple Fronts!

    Winning on Multiple Fronts!

    A recent project implemented by the Sustainable Development Department recycled medication containers on various clinical units at St. Mary’s Hospital Center. The project was a particularly interesting one because it put our values of kindness and social inclusion to the service of our environmental mission. It also aligns perfectly with a number of the core principles in sustainable development, namely good health and quality of life, participation and commitment, social solidarity, environmental protection, and responsible consumption. Here are four good reasons to join in:

    1. Environmental: We recycle everything! Glass, plastic, rubber, and metal. A noticeable decrease in the negative impact of residual materials on our ecosystem. Less waste also results in fewer trips to landfills, and therefore lower CO2 emissions.
    2. Social: We provide a work placement opportunity to users of the West Montreal Rehabilitation Centre, which encourages their social participation. Several times a week, these users come to work in a room at the SMHC that is set up with the appropriate safety equipment. They separate the various components for recycling. 
    3. Humanitarian: Several of the components collected are donated to the Fondation Clermont Bonnefant. They collect plastic and metal that is then resold to recyclers. The profits from those sales are used to purchase wheelchairs (450 of them to date!) and other accessories that are provided free of charge to handicapped individuals in need.
    4. Economic: We send less waste to landfills, which lowers the government fees our institution has to pay for the disposal of residual materials. 

    The Sustainable Development Department is proud of this project, which it intends to gradually roll out at other CIUSSS facilities in 2023. For more information, email Michel Perreault at Click here to view or download the project poster

    Thank you for contributing to our collective efforts to reduce the amount of waste generated at our facilities. Every initiative makes our CIUSSS a little greener! 

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