Are you Familiar with the Ste. Anne’s Hospital Geriatric Clinic?

    Are you Familiar with the Ste. Anne’s Hospital Geriatric Clinic?

    For several years now, Ste. Anne’s Hospital, one of our eight public CHSLDs, has been home to an outpatient geriatric clinic. With a medical referral from a family doctor, a specialist or a specialized nurse practitioner, anyone 65 years of age and older living on our territory can make an appointment to come to the clinic to be assessed for a variety of concerns including memory, mobility, autonomy, polypharmacy and cognition.

    At the clinic, each patient is greeted by a nurse clinician who begins with a comprehensive clinical assessment to get an accurate picture of the individual’s overall health. Afterwards, the patient is seen by the geriatrician who carries out a more thorough examination in order to make a diagnosis and suggest a treatment plan. Depending on the situation, the nurse clinician at the Geriatric Clinic may fill out a request for inter-facility services, which is sent to a CLSC. The CLSC then organizes the home support resources (occupational therapist, physiotherapist, dietician or social worker) that will enable the patient to continue to live at home safely.

    “Oftentimes, it’s the patients or their informal caregivers who provide us with valuable health-related information. Regardless of the type of assessment, nothing is overlooked, including sleep quality,” says Dr. Gary Inglis, a geriatrician at the clinic. 

    The Geriatric Clinic, located on the 1st floor of Ste. Anne’s Hospital, is part of the Support for Elderly Autonomy Program Directorate’s Home Support component. It is an integral part of this facility’s ever-growing centre of geriatric excellence. The clinic, which is open Monday through Friday, sees about 850 patients a year for assessments and follow-ups. Patients who come to the clinic either live in their own homes, a private seniors’ residence or were recently discharged from hospital. 

    “At the Geriatric Clinic, every patient is treated with the utmost respect. Not only are we attentive to their needs, but we also look after their informal caregivers, as they are key partners in our service offering,” adds Katarzyna Basinska, Manager of the Geriatric Outpatient, Rehabilitation and Home Support Services Programs.   

    For more information: 514 457-3440, extension 2520
    The consultation request form for the Geriatric Clinic can be found in the Directory of Administrative and Clinical Documents on the intranet.

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