Acting Collectively to Protect Ourselves Against Infections

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many changes for everyone. We have all had to modify the way we do things in every facet of our lives. Healthcare institutions have borne the brunt of that situation through it all. Sanitary measures were quickly implemented to protect patients and employees. A team of Infection Prevention and Control partners now makes the rounds of our facilities’ corridors and departments to ensure that basic infection prevention and control measures are being respected. One of them is Marion Brochier, who is at the Hôpital de LaSalle.
Our contributor Amir Chitour met with her:
Please describe your day-to-day role.
“My primary task is to audit the implementation of basic infection prevention and control practices and to help reinforce those practices through reminders and training sessions.”
How do you do that?
“I visit a number of units at the facility each day. The frequency of those visits varies depending on the need, particularly during an outbreak.”
What is your approach?
“I visit as many units as possible each day. We prioritize those times when staff and activities on the unit are busy for collecting data and carrying out interventions.”
What are the measures people most often need to remind of during your visits?
“We always need to reinforce hand hygiene practices. Infection prevention and control measures are often updated and so we constantly need to revise our practices.”
Do you provide feedback?
“Yes, we provide individual feedback on the spot if needed and periodic reports are reviewed with unit managers.”
How do employees respond to your interventions?
“Most of the employees appreciate our interventions. It’s important to keep in mind that the measures are there above all to protect them and their patients.”
Do you provide training to employees when needed?
“Yes, depending on the identified needs, we schedule various types of individual or group training to reinforce these measures.”
What is it about your work that motivates you?
“Helping to strengthen infection prevention and control programs in collaboration with my dedicated colleagues.”
Interview by Amir Chitour