Release of Preliminary Results by Accreditation Canada Surveyors
We’ve done it! After months of intense preparation leading up to the scheduled onsite visits by Accreditation Canada surveyors, our institution was apprised of the preliminary results during a debriefing session held Thursday, February 9. As you may recall, Accreditation Canada surveyors were on hand to assess the physical health, general services and telehealth sectors in some of our facilities.
Overall, the preliminary findings presented during the meeting were positive. A number of recommendations were made however, and the teams concerned will action the recommendations over the coming weeks and months. Employees, managers and physicians who were unable to attend the debriefing session live by videoconference can now watch it online on the intranet.
While the final detailed report is not yet available, it is important at this time to highlight and acknowledge the many teams that were involved and the tremendous amount of work that went into preparing for the visits. The Executive Management would like to extend its heartfelt appreciation to each of the members of our wonderful CIUSSS community. The tireless work and outstanding professionalism that each of you have shown in readying our institution for the accreditation process is commendable. Well-deserved congratulations also go out to the Quality, Assessment, Performance and Ethics Directorate. Under the remarkable and inspiring leadership of Stéphanie Iasenza, the teams in this directorate accomplished an astounding amount of work to attend to the countless details associated with these visits.
In closing, we should mention that the Accreditation Canada surveyors will be back from May 14 to 19. This time around, the spotlight will be on the Support for Elderly Autonomy programs as well as the Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Physical Disabilities programs.