Visit by Accreditation Canada
Visit by Accreditation Canada
Accreditation Canada’s visit is just around the corner! From February 5 to 9, a team of surveyors will visit our facilities to ensure that our services meet the standards and established performance and quality criteria. A detailed schedule of the visits is now available on the intranet. Physical health, general services, and telehealth are the sectors being assessed. The Quality, Assessment, Performance, and Ethics Directorate (QAPED) has been working with all of the directorates concerned to speed up needed work on targeted issues and to ensure that they meet high-priority required organizational practices and standards.
We need your cooperation to hit these targets!
What is Accreditation?
Accreditation measures the quality of our services. It shows that the care and services our CIUSSS provides meet standards of excellence. These standards serve to identify what we do well and where we can improve.
What is Accreditation Canada?
Accreditation Canada is an independent Canadian non-profit organization whose mandate is to assess our care and services based on established standards.
What are Accreditation Standards?
There are specific standards for each type of service and/or clientele the CIUSSS serves. Other so-called cross-sectoral standards—such as infection prevention and control, medication management, and governance—apply to all departments. These standards are divided into high-priority criteria and required organizational practices (ROP). The ROPs must be in place as they directly concern the safety of users. There are 31 of them, and they are divided into six categories: safety culture, communication, medication use, work life/workforce, infection control, and risk assessment.
What is the Accreditation Process?
A complete accreditation cycle takes place over five years. During their visit, the surveyors may speak with you or your colleagues. They may also speak with users and their families to assess the day-to-day functioning of your department. They will also look at certain clinical files and administrative documents, and directly observe the work in your department.
Need help?
Our team of QAPED quality advisors is here to answer your questions and help your department to get ready for accreditation:
- interpretation of standards
- action plans
- project execution
- audits
- quality surveys
- quality tools
Do not hesitate to get in touch with us:
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