Do we Offer Services in English? Yes, we do!

Do we Offer Services in English? Yes, we do!

A disinformation campaign promoting  false information about limiting access to care and services in English for English-speakers has been spreading since the adoption of Bill 96. This could not be further from the truth, particularly at our CIUSSS. It should be noted that some of the public institutions and facilities that are part of Québec’s health and social services network must make all of their health and social services available in English. They are known as “designated”. Others must offer some services in English and are known as “indicated”.  

Our CIUSSS is “designated” and is therefore recognized under section 29.1 of the Charter of the French Language as offering the majority of its services to English-speaking people. As such, we are required to make all our health and social services accessible in the English language to English-speaking persons. In a recent interview on TVA Nouvelles, our Associate President and CEO, Najia Hachimi-Idrissi addressed this very issue. “Given our designated status, not providing English-language services to our clients would go against our mandate,” specified Ms. Hachimi-Idrissi.

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