Mental Health Scouting Network


The Mental Health Scouting Network is a project launched by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux that has been deployed in all regions of Québec. The goal of the project is to increase the population’s capacity to adapt and cultivate resilience in a pandemic and post-pandemic context. 

In order to carry out this mission, the local network wants to put forward people who care about their well-being, the well-being of all and who are already acting or want to act within their community. In order to do so, the network of scouts is looking for partners who are citizens or community stakeholders who wish to take part in the project, be part of the team and become a scout!

The scouts will promote collaboration and the union of everyone's strengths in order to create a feeling of collective goodwill, to contribute to the improvement of the population's well-being and to support them in their psychosocial recovery process following the pandemic. 

Scouts are dedicated citizens who already have an established presence in their community.  

Their role consists of:

  • Spotting individuals who exhibit signs of psychological distress or symptoms associated with a mental illness, establishing contact and providing support 
  • Referring these individuals to the appropriate resources
  • Promoting se lf-care behaviours and how to care for others in their community
  • Strengthening community resilience and the social fabric
  • Mobilizing existing resources and key players (community settings, municipalities, youth centres, places of worship, etc.) in their community 

Scouts are supported by a bridging team that is made up of individuals from the Montréal West Island CIUSSS. 

It is together rather than individually that we will make a difference!
***It is important to note that the scouts will have access to short training sessions and will be supported by a relay team composed of workers from the Montréal West Island CIUSSS. They will support the scouts in the development of concrete actions (events, activities, etc.) as well as in referrals to CIUSSS professionals as needed.***

To contact us

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Registration Form – Become a Scout

Additional trainings

English to come

Balado, Capsules & formations en santé psychosociale

Capsules éclaireurs et éclaireuses (Gracieuseté du Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal)

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Events/Activities initiated by the Scouting Network

Portrait of our activities

Mental health week: A light of help and support in our community!

This Mental Health Week we would like to highlight the work done throughout the year to raise awareness and promote mental health. The Scouting Network at our CIUSSS is one example.  The project creates valuable collaborations with the community and other organizations.  Read our testimonials:

Rayya Khairallah - Caseworker and Navigator at the CMRL

“ The local scouting networks in mental health plays a key role in the greater West Island community and has created very warm and valued connections between active Lachine community members and the healthcare network.

Meetings with experts are also an opportunity for me to better know the people in this community, to learn more about mental health, and to learn more about the lives of the seniors I work with as a social geriatrics caseworker. THANK YOU ! ”

Maja Vodanovic - Lachine Borough Mayor

“ In recent years, we have seen the initiatives put in place by the CIUSSS Ouest-de-l’Île-de- Montréal have a positive impact in the field.

We would like to thank psychosocial scouting network and the frontline psychosocial intervention team who are making a significant difference in our community. These programs help to build and maintain social ties with our most vulnerable citizens. Other initiatives supported by the CIUSSS, such as the Café des aînés help to counter isolation.

Such programs contribute to an upswell of mutual aid and the creation of engaged and healthier communities. Thank you to everyone who plays a part in improving the quality of life in Lachine. ”

Louise Rosenberg - Café des aînés, Lachine

“ I am a community member and I have been a scout with the Scouting Network for over three years.

With support from this project we created a group for seniors in my borough at the municipal library. The group is an opportunity to discuss and share. It has become a source of hope and unending solidarity for everyone who takes part.

Thank you to the network for its continued support. ”

The Scouting Network was in Pierrefonds-Roxboro for a Day of Positive Mental Health at work!

Following a request from the borough of Pierrefonds-Roxboro, our CIUSSS’ Scouting Network in Mental Health organized a day for borough employees focused on positive mental health in the workplace. The event, held March 21, was created in collaboration with a number of community organizations, including our partner Community Perspective in Mental Health (CPMH).

The three-part conference included:

  • A presentation by the Scouting Network in Mental Health about mental health in the workplace;
  • A look at the addiction cycle presented by CIUSSS addiction outreach services team;
  • A session on mindfulness by a CPMH caseworker. 

A number of organizations also had information booths on site. A wonderful collaboration!


Conference on Psychological Distress in Seniors Held in Lachine

On January 16, the CIUSSS’ local Scouting Network in Mental Health organized a group viewing of a presentation by the organization Programme Vie.S.âge (seniors living without anxiety) on psychological distress. The presentation was led by Dr. Sébastien Grenier, a psychologist and the program’s founder. The event took place at the Saul-Bellow Public Library in Lachine, with support from Souad Ourahma, a member of the CIUSSS’ local Scouting Network and Jean Dumas, a scout and caseworker at the Centre multi-ressources de Lachine, where he is responsible social geriatrics scouting team.

Of the 25 people who attended, two were recruited to join the Scouting Network. After the conference, there was time for some networking and a discussion on distress in seniors. Two social workers from the CIUSSS’ addiction outreach services, Megan Bray and Taylor McNully, were also on hand to discuss various types of addiction. Various documents, including the local Scouting Network’s resource booklet were distributed to everyone who attended.

A great Christmas party for mental health organizations in the West Island!

Now a tradition, the Christmas party held on December 15 brought together a number of community organizations working in the field of mental health to share a delicious meal.  Thanks to donations from the Mental Health Scouting Network of our CIUSSS, Maison l'Échelon and several West Island merchants, all participants received a gift - more than 185 people!

CIUSSS was well represented, including our PDGA Najia! Here are a few photos of the event.

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season!

Let’s Fight Elder Abuse!




On June 15, a special event was held on the shores of the Lachine Canal to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.  The event, which consisted of a picnic, was attended by some fifty guests, including citizens, representatives from various community organizations based in Lachine, as well as several individuals from the scouting network.

During the picnic, the guests were invited to participate in a lighthearted workshop that involved sharing, on a poster, examples of acts of kindness and caring that should be embraced in order to effect change and fight elder abuse. Information tools were also handed out to raise awareness about elder abuse.

Together with the Mental Health Scouting Network and Nancy Sweeney, scout and founding member of the Lachine RASSS group, we would like to extend a very special thank you to Valérie Berthiaume, assistant to the mayor of Lachine, for having organized the event and to the Centre multi-ressources de Lachine for the loan of the tables.

A heartfelt thank you to all those who showed up on June 15 for this highly symbolic event

The Lachine Seniors' Café is one-year-old!

Lachine Seniors' Café       Louise Rosenberg

On April 11th, the Lachine seniors' café celebrated its first anniversary! This initiative was born from Louise Rosenberg, a scout member, supported in its implementation and on a daily basis by the Scout Network Project with the collaboration of the Lachine library thanks to Souad Hourama who works there and who is also a scout member in the Project.  And yes, since April 2022, monthly meetings are organized!

Each month, about 15 people meet for an open discussion, without a planned theme. No registration required, people just show up and discuss various topics they feel like discussing. Following the pandemic, this monthly event has helped to break the isolation, to open discussions on subjects and issues that are sometimes taboo. Friendships, collaborations, solidarity and empathy are at the heart of these dynamic meetings.

Special thanks to Louise Rosenberg (picture on the right) for her investment in the Project and in the well-being of her community!

Furniture donation for families in need

Scouting Network Project

On Good Friday, April 7th, thanks to the collaboration of two scouts, Andréa Diaz and Chantal St-Jarre, as well as the generous donation of a citizen, Denise Huot, we provided two immigrant families (newly arrived in Quebec) with a fresh start with donations of furniture for their apartments which were quite empty.

This is an example of collaboration that was born out of the Scouting Network Project. It is through awareness and sensitization that gestures of solidarity and kindness towards the members of our community can be born!


Stéfanie Lavoie, TS et relais pour le projet réseau d’éclaireurs et Lara Dasilva, organisatrice communautaire au CIUSSS ODIM.

Taylor McNulty, TS Services de proximité en dépendance DLL et Stéfanie Lavoie, TS et relais pour le projet réseau d’éclaireurs.

Stéfanie Lavoie, TS et relais pour le projet réseau d'éclaireurs.

Stéfanie Lavoie, TS et relais pour le réseau d'éclaireurs, Julia Stirling, TS Services sociaux généraux et Lindsay Alexandre, ARH Services de proximité en dépendance.

Bulletin Board of our Scouting Partners

In French only

Andrea Diaz: Enjeux, besoins et réalités humaines du COVIQ-- Comité de vie de quartier Duff-Court

Le COVIQ ( Comité de vie de quartier Duff -Court) est un organisme communautaire autonome offrant divers services, activités et opportunités d’implication citoyenne aux résidents du quartier Duff-Court.

Le COVIQ encourage la prise en charge des résidentes et résidents par eux-mêmes à partir d'activités et de services collectifs visant l'amélioration de la qualité de vie tant individuelle, sociale que communautaire dans le quartier Duff-Court à Lachine

COVIQ/ Comité de vie de quartier Duff -Court Site web: Courriel: Andrea Diaz, responsable du dossier famille- adultes Courriel: Réseau d’éclaireurs en santé psychologique du CIUSS de l’ouest de l’île de Montréal   

Écoutez la baladodiffusion

Anatomie d’une amitié intergénérationnelle éclairante et inspirante

À la rencontre de Stéfanie Lavoie, une jeune mère dans la trentaine et de Louise Rosenberg une septuagénaire retraitée et citoyenne engagée et un modèle d’une relation intergénérationnelle ergonomique.

Conversation éclairante avec deux personnes formidables et allumées qui ont adroitement tisser des liens solides dont le résultat est une amitié enviable.

Quels sont les apprentissages tirés de leurs rencontres?

Quels sont les ingrédients qui ont contribuer au succès de la mixité générationnelle et qui a contribué à l’entraide mutuelle de travailler sur des projets communs?

Nous échangeront sur les préjugés véhiculés au sein de notre société et de leur expérience en regard du vieillissement, elles partageront leur vision d’un monde bienveillant pour un mieux vivre ensemble. Bonne écoute!

Pour rester à l’affût d’information sur des enjeux qui vous préoccupent ou vous interpellent, visitez  et abonnez-vous à la page  Animatrice et réalisatrice du balado, Linda Couture.

Écoutez la baladodiffusion

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