A Safe Haven for 90 Years Now!

Camp Weredale was established as a “summer home away from home” for the orphaned or at-risk boys living at Weredale House, which is now part of Batshaw Youth and Family Centres (BYFC). The camp’s mission is to create unforgettable outdoor experiences for vulnerable youth aged 6 to 17 years old who are in foster care or receiving youth protection services.

“Since 1934, our camp has provided campers with exciting opportunities to learn and to build their self-esteem and social skills. But it’s also a place where they can discover the beauty of sitting around a campfire or swimming in a lake,” adds Camp Weredale’s Executive Director, Elizabeth Pusztai.

Camp Weredale’s legacy as a not-for-profit organization serving youth has been preserved by the Weredale Foundation, which owns and operates the camp. Donations and grants, particularly from long-time financial supporters, the Batshaw Youth and Family Foundation, and the George Hogg Family Foundation, have allowed the camp to continue operating while maintaining reduced rates for everyone. No camper is turned away because a parent cannot afford the registration fee.

Located on Lac L’Achigan in the Laurentians, the camp welcomes four cohorts of 85 campers from the end of June to mid-August, providing up to 340 children with unique and rewarding experiences.  

“Many of our campers face significant personal obstacles. Their time at camp in a safe environment, close to nature is a comforting break and gives them ways to deal with their future and their challenges. It’s also an opportunity to develop lifelong friendships, and to gain a more positive outlook on life,” says Duncan Campbell, president of the Weredale Foundation.  

In recent years the camp has expanded its activities into the spring and fall seasons, opening it to community partners for lakeside retreats and outdoor leadership programs that support youth employability. 

Several events are planned to mark the camp’s 90th anniversary, including a camp alumni event, a BYFC staff family barbecue, and a sunset campfire for the camp’s community of supporters and neighbours. CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal board members and directors are also invited to join Weredale Foundation board members on July 16 for their annual visit to this magnificent spot. Long live Camp Weredale!

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