Subscribe to the Everyone’s a Winner Newsletter Contest!

    Subscribe to the Everyone’s a Winner Newsletter Contest!

    Last December, several Communications Directorate employees visited a number of our facilities in a bid to encourage staff members to subscribe to the Mosaïk newsletter. The newsletter is a tool that was created to keep you up to date on what’s going on in the various sectors and to learn about the successes and achievements of your co-workers.  The subscription campaign was a huge success and we are thrilled to welcome 539 new readers!

    To add an element of fun to the subscription campaign, all the subscribers were entered into a draw for a chance to win one of two iPads. We are pleased to reveal the names of the two winners!

    Our first winner is Yvonne John, an orderly at St. Mary’s Hospital Center. After receiving her very first edition of Mosaïk, Ms. John sent us this message: “I find the newsletter informative and like how it covers a range of topics. It helps us stay informed and see how the various teams are making a difference. Thank you!”

    Our second winner is Nathalie-Ruth Josama, a nurse clinician and case manager at Ste. Anne’s Hospital.  Delighted to have received her first newsletter on January 17, she wrote: “The newsletter will help me stay up to date on the latest happenings in the various sectors of our CIUSSS and learn about new projects that are in the works.” 

    We would like to congratulate the two winners and welcome our new subscribers!

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