Our CIUSSS was at the International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress

    Our CIUSSS was at the International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress

    John William Kayser, RN., MSc(A), PhD, CSPSM(C)®
    Senior Nursing Advisor – HR Recruitment Partnership – Professional Trajectory 

    The Professional Development and Nursing Practice team of the Nursing Directorate are proud to have attended The International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress at the Palais des congrès de Montréal from July 1 to 5, 2023. Jérôme Ouellet, Ph.D., RN, Assistant to the Director of Nursing, contributed as a member of the scientific committee, and four managers from Nursing Directorate took part in evaluating the submitted abstracts (Jérôme Ouellet, Marie-Pierre Avoine, Manon Bordeleau, and John William Kayser). Moreover, we not only personally met one of the esteemed guests, Mr. Justin Trudeau, we were also the co-authors of four ePosters and one oral presentation, for which we received positive feedback. 

    Oral Presentation During a Concurrent Session 
    Ouellet, J. (2023, July 3). L’apprentissage collaboratif comme stratégie de développement professionnel infirmier : Proposition d’un modèle socioconstructiviste pragmatique en milieu clinique. Congrès ICN 2023 Montréal, Palais des congrès de Montréal. 

    ePoster Discussions 
    Clausen, C., Kayser, J. W., Lizotte, T., Lang, T., & Gottlieb, L. (2023, July 4). A strategic approach to large-scale implementation of Strength-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership across three University Health Networks. ICN Congress 2023 Montréal, Palais des congrès de Montréal.

    Kayser, J. W., Bordeleau, M., Haddam, M., Avoine, M.-P., & Belzile, E. (2023, July 2). Recognizing the Value of the Nursing Advisor and Nursing Advisor—Advanced Practice Roles. ICN Congress 2023 Montréal, Palais des congrès de Montréal. 

    ePoster Viewing 
    Fontaine, M., Brun, E., Joseph, A., Major, D., Jean-Renée, M., Kayser, J. W., Bordeleau, M., & Granville, E. M. (2023, July 1). Programme d’intégration sur mesure pour l’infirmière diplômée hors Canada : En route vers leur avenir dans le système de santé québécois ! ICN Congress 2023 Montréal, Palais des congrès de Montréal. 

    Sarasua, I., Ouellet, J., Lévesque, M., et John, B-T. (2023, July 1). Construire l’excellence dans la formation clinique des étudiantes infirmières praticiennes spécialisées en première ligne. Congrès ICN 2023 Montréal, Palais des congrès de Montréal. 

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