Open House and Recruiting Events

    Open House and Recruiting Events

    A number of events took place in April and May to recruit staff for our facilities. Many colleagues took part in organizing these events, which were opportunities to share experiences and make new connections. For the participating directorates, these events allowed them to share the passion they have for their work with new recruits. 

    5 à 7 Networking Event for Specialized Nurse Practitioners (SNP) and Students

    • On April 20, an event organized by the Nursing Directorate’s team of specialized nurse practitioners was held at the Buffet Il Gabianno in LaSalle. 
    • This initiative was an opportunity for our SNPs to present their innovative projects to interns, students, and candidates to the nursing profession, and in doing so show them the many possibilities for advancement and career development at our institution.
    • Presenting a vision for SNP practice, including mentorship, professional co-development, and expertise. 
    • Nearly 50 candidates attended!

    Open House Events at St. Mary’s Hospital Center and the Hôpital de LaSalle 

    • Held in May, these were an opportunity to meet with staff and HR representatives, and to do speed interviews. 
    • Presented a range of possibilities within the nursing profession in the fields of the birthing centre, intensive care, respiratory therapy, ER, OR, and medicine-surgery.
    • Nearly 80 job seekers looking for new challenges in the healthcare field attended. 

    Thank you to the SNP team, St. Mary’s Hospital Center, and the Hôpital de LaSalle for taking part and contributing to these successful events! Special thanks also go to the Human Resources and Legal Affairs Directorate and the Communications and Media Relations Directorate for their support during these events, which generated a great deal of enthusiasm and showed the advantages of working at our CIUSSS.

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