Veterans Front and Centre in a Dialogue with Society

    Veterans Front and Centre in a Dialogue with Society

    Our CIUSSS is collaborating with the Théâtre des Petites Lanternes (TPL) to stage the theatre project Monarques at Ste. Anne’s Hospital (SAH) this coming April. The work touches on the numerous challenges that active service members, veterans, and their loved ones face. 

    Solitude, distance, post-traumatic stress injuries. Those are just some of the lasting impacts faced by members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) after being deployed overseas and then trying to reintegrate into civil society as best they can. And it isn’t only members of the CAF who are directly affected by the conflicts, missions, and catastrophes. Their loved ones feel the impacts as well. 

    The Monarch Allegory 
    Every year, monarch butterflies must travel thousands of kilometres to ensure their survival. During their long journey, many of them will encounter conditions that could threaten their survival. But these long journeys are essential to ensuring future generations of monarchs. For soldiers, overseas missions also present many obstacles, threats, and challenges. That is the story told by five actors on stage, who take turns explaining their reasons for enlisting, their fears, their suffering, and their injuries. 

    A Unique Creation Process
    The Monarques project came about after discussions with veterans and soldiers. The TPL team is familiar with theatre that encourages public participation in its creative process. In 2017 it set up a series of discussions and writing workshops to collect lived experiences and thoughts. “Over 200 people took part in developing the project, creating over 2000 pages of writing from which the raw material for the play was drawn,” recalls TPL artistic director Angèle Seguin. From there, workshops followed to create the characters who give life to the people they represent.

    It should be noted that the Monarques project is a pan-Canadian effort and can be performed in both English and French. The production is currently touring across Canada. Monarques will be performed at SAH on April 19 and 20, with shows in French and in English.

    The Monarques project will be presented on:
    April 19 at 1:30 p.m., in French
    April 20 at 1:30 p.m., in English.

    To reserve a seat, contact Carla Rodriguez Landivar at 514-457-3440, ext. 3206 or

    Click here for more information about this play

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