Jean Gardy Fils, An Inspiring Journey

    Jean Gardy Fils, An Inspiring Journey

    Our CIUSSS is made up of thousands of professionals who share their often unusual and varied backgrounds and experiences with our institution’s staff and users. In this January 2023 edition, we are delighted to introduce you to Jean Gardy Fils, a medical doctor by training who now works as an advisor with the Quality, Assessment, Performance and Ethics Directorate. 

    Born in Haiti, Jean Gardy Fils completed his medical studies in Port-au-Prince. After relocating to Québec, he earned a certificate in Health and Social Services Management at the University of Montréal as well as a master’s degree in Public Administration at the École nationale d’administration publique (ÉNAP). 

    First employed by the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Ile-de-Montréal, Mr. Gardy Fils subsequently joined our CIUSSS and its ever-growing team. As a quality advisor, his work consists of multiple components, including risk management. He is responsible for checking the AH-223 reports on the SISSS portal (Système d’information sur la sécurité des soins et des services), following-up on summary analyses with the managers and planning training sessions for managers and staff on AH-223 declaration reports.   

    Mr. Gardy Fils also attends certain quality committee meetings. Since we are in the midst of preparing for the accreditation visit, he has been supporting teams from the PSD, U-FMG, Youth Program, Telehealth and SEAP by helping them with their self-assessments and assisting them as they prepare their action plan and identify evidence to provide Accreditation Canada surveyors during their visit. 

    As someone who is very happy in his role, Mr. Gardy Fils says that he is highly motivated by the team spirit and spirit of cooperation found throughout our CIUSSS. His quest for excellence in all areas is well rewarded. 

    In his private life, Mr. Gardy Fils cultivates a positive family culture. “I love to cook, so on the weekends, after church, we go to the market as a family then share the cooking. We enjoy watching soccer together, listening to music and dancing.”

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