Two new maisons des aînés

Two new maisons des aînés

Dear Colleagues,
It’s my pleasure to inform you that Ms. Sonia Bélanger, Minister for Health and for Seniors, announced on April 4 through a press release hat two new long-term residential care facilities based on the maison des aînés (MDA) model will be built within the territory of the Montréal West Island CIUSSS as part of the ongoing transformation of Québec’s long-term residential care facilities.
The first of these will be a 192-bed facility in Pierrefonds-Roxboro/Dollard-des-Ormeaux. The second will be a 204-bed facility in Pointe-Claire. They will welcome residents from the Centre d’hébergement Denis-Benjamin-Viger and the Grace Dart Extended Care Centre, in addition to the 40 places at the Centre d’hébergement Denis-Benjamin-Viger Day Centre. Construction of the facility in Pierrefonds-Roxboro/Dollard-des-Ormeaux will begin this summer, with the facility slated to open in the winter of 2025–2026. The project in Pointe-Claire is still in the planning and specifications phase. 
This is excellent news for our residents and for the seniors living within our territory. The reconstruction of these CHSLDs, inspired by the MDA model, will provide residents and their loved ones with a welcoming place where care and services are centred on the needs, preferences, and rhythms of the residents.  
The new concept will also have benefits for the staff. These two spacious modern facilities that reflect the most up-to-date practices and integrate new technologies will allow our teams to carry out their work in far more functional and pleasant environments. 
In closing, I would like to thank the entire team that has worked relentlessly to deliver this wonderful project, especially its two promoters, Jean-François Miron, Associate Executive Director, and Isabelle Caron, Director of the Support for Elderly Autonomy Program Directorate—Long-Term Care. Rest assured that we will keep you informed on future developments in this very promising project. 
Dan Gabay, M.Sc
President and CEO
Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de
services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

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