Show of Appreciation for our Resident Doctors

    Show of Appreciation for our Resident Doctors

    Did you know that there is one resident for every five active physicians in Canada? From patient care, to research, quality improvement, leadership and education, residents and fellows are engines of innovation and engagement. While their work is often misunderstood by the general public, they are vital to ensuing that our CIUSSS’ various missions are running efficiently and smoothly. 

    Residents are trained in over 80 specialties, with the largest number of trainees in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Anesthesiology, and Pediatrics. To acknowledge their invaluable contribution, the Academic Affairs, Teaching and Research Directorate, along with the clinical supervisors held recognition activities on February 23 and 24. Check out the “10 Fast Facts about Resident Doctors in Canada” infographic, here.

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