CLSC du Lac-Saint-Louis et de Pierrefonds Foundation

The Foundation’s mission is to improve the well-being of CLSC clients in the West Island by funding requests not covered by the public system. The help is extended once first line workers at both CLSC have assessed the requests and confirmed that all other resources have been exhausted.
The Foundation aims to increase the visibility of the physical and mental health services offered by both CLSCs and provide help in the following areas
- Assistance to the elderly or to those facing a loss of autonomy
- Mental health and dependence
- Routine nursing care
- Intellectually challenged children and autism spectrum disorder
- Early childhood 0 to 5 and youth in difficulty
The Foundation is entirely managed by volunteers. The administration fees are therefore minimal with over 95% of the donations distributed to members of the West-Island community.
CLSC de Dorval-Lachine et de Lasalle Foundation

The Fondation des CLSC de Dorval-Lachine et de Lasalle obtained its letters patent on December 2, 2004, and is a non-profit organisation registered under number 80903 2873 RR0001.
Improve the living conditions of children and the well-being of families and seniors living in vulnerable situations on the Dorval, Lachine and Lasalle territory; support innovative and promising projects that boost people’s capacities to help themselves and increase their power over their own destiny.