Copyright / authorization

The West Island CIUSSS holds exclusive intellectual property rights to all documents, data, compilations and other works it produces, publishes or distributes, whether such materials are official or administrative texts, annual reports, pamphlets, etc.

It is prohibited to reproduce, download, store, translate, adapt, publish or represent in public the copyrighted materials of the West Island CIUSSS  without prior authorization.


Request for authorization to reproduce copyrighted material

When completing the authorization request form, you must indicate:

  • the source of the material (ideally with a hyperlink or the BAnQ reference number or ISBN);
  • how the material will be used;
  • the number of copies that will be made (where applicable);
  • the date on which the material will be used;
  • the full contact information of the person or organization to be billed.

A single authorization request is required for several materials if the billing information is the same in each case.

If not, you must submit a separate authorization request form for each material.

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Processing time

In general, you will receive a response within 15 business days. However, processing times may be longer depending on the time of year, the specifics of your authorization request and the department or body that holds the copyright.

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Fees and conditions for approval

You will receive the response by email. If the  West Island CIUSSS grants your request, the email will indicate the conditions and fees, if any, related to the authorization.

You will then have 30 days to accept or refuse the applicable conditions and fees.

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Transmission of license

If the authorization request is accepted, you will receive the license by email.

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The invoice will be sent to you in the first days of the following month and you will have 30 days to pay it.

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Contact us

Copyright management Service

From Monday to Friday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Resquest an authorization


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