Two new facilities for seniors in the heart of the West Island

Today Ms. Sonia Bélanger, the Minister for Health and for Seniors, announced the reconstruction of the Centre d’hébergement Denis-Benjamin-Viger and the Grace Dart Extended Care Centre (CHSLD) based on the maison des aînés (MDA) model, here within the territory of the CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal.

This reconstruction is part of a major transformation in Québec’s residential and long-term care facilities, which is required because the current infrastructures are outdated. It will make services available to a growing senior population in facilities that are adapted to their needs. The new facilities will provide seniors within our territory with a welcoming place where care and services are centred on the needs, preferences, and rhythms of the residents. 

One facility will be located in the Pierrefonds-Roxboro/Dollard-des-Ormeaux. The other one will be in Pointe-Claire. They will welcome residents from the Centre d’hébergement Denis-Benjamin-Viger and the Grace Dart Extended Care Centre, as well as the Day Centre at the Centre d’hébergement Denis-Benjamin-Viger. Construction of the facility in Pierrefonds-Roxboro/Dollard-des-Ormeaux will begin this summer, with the facility slated to open in the winter of 2025–2026. The project in Pointe-Claire is still in the planning and specifications phase. 

“This is excellent news for our residents and seniors on the West Island. I am very happy to know that our seniors will benefit from this innovative and welcoming new residential model. An immense thank you to all of the teams who work every day on making this project a reality for the well-being of our seniors,” said Dan Gabay, President and CEO of the CIUSSS.

An information session will take place in the coming weeks concerning the first facility to be built in Pierrefonds-Roxboro/Dollard-des-Ormeaux. An invitation to attend will be published on our various communication channels. You can also register in advance by emailing

Click here to see the project’s dedicated web page.

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