Recharjme Rest Cabins Now Available at our CIUSSS

An Energizing Break for Employees!

Montréal West Island CIUSSS employees can now enjoy a free, re-energizing relaxation service in the workplace, 24/7. 

Employees can now reserve a soundproof cabin for a 20-minute relaxation session. Inside the cabin is a zero-gravity recliner to relieve tension. There are various other options available for added relaxation such as music, vibrating massage, light therapy and guided meditation. Our CIUSSS currently boasts two cabins:

  • One at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute (DMHUI), located in the basement of the Porteous Pavilion, across from the Phoenix;
  • Another at the Lakeshore General Hospital (LGH) on 5 West, near elevator no. 5, across from Room 5590. 

“As we are constantly on the lookout for new health and wellness initiatives to add to the services we offer our employees (Peer helpers, LifeSpeak, LIFT and Perkopolis), we are delighted to be launching the first Recharjme cabins today at two of our facilities.  These cabins are designed to promote both physical and mental health. During their breaks, employees will now be able to recharge their batteries, so to speak,” says Jean-Nicolas Brousseau, Associate Director—Expertise and Development, Human Resources Directorate.

The Recharjme initiative at the Lakeshore General Hospital is brought to you by the LGH Auxiliary, while the cabin at the DMHUI is courtesy of the Mental Health and Addiction  Programs Directorate in collaboration with the Douglas Foundation.

Using the Recharjme cabin is easy

Employees in need of a boost and looking to recharge and relax simply book a time slot online through the Recharjme mobile application available on Google Play and the Apple App Store. Then, they scan the QR code to register. Once the reservation is complete, the employee is sent a unique  access code in the app to unlock the door 5 minutes before their session. 

We invite all employees to take a look at the attached posters (Lakeshore General Hospital and Douglas Mental Health University Institute) to better understand how the unit works and how to schedule some relaxation time of their own.

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