About us


The mission of the Health Technology Assessment Unit (UETMIS—SS) is to provide customized support to managers, clinicians, decision makers, user representatives and CIUSSS partners by providing tailored information pertinent to their field of interest:

  • their local context to help with the introduction,
  • maintenance,
  • or withdrawal of technologies and practices.

We work closely with the decision makers at our CIUSSS to ensure that projects are aligned with the organization’s priorities. 

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A health technology assessment is a systematic analysis and synthesis combining the best available evidence with contextual and experiential data to support informed decision-making. 

The sheer volume and diversity of information sources available to decision-makers in the health and social services sector raises a number of issues, including quality assessment, organization, synthesis and dissemination. These elements are essential to facilitate decision-making on the integration of innovative practices without affecting the quality of care, patient safety or costs.

Through rigorous and objective assessments, the HTA approach reduces uncertainly, prevents costly or ineffective choices, and provides solutions or recommendations that streamline and strengthen decision-making. In a context where resources are limited, needs are great, and innovations abound, this expertise serves to ensure strategic, responsible, and safe decisions that are aligned with the real needs of the organization and the community. 

Consult our products and services here!

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Our team

The strength of our multidisciplinary team is the complementarity of its expertise, collaborative approach, objectivity, proactivity, and ethical values. It enables us to strengthen decision-making, improve the quality of the care, and optimize the use of resources in medical, administrative, and organizational contexts.   

Our team plays a key role in the decision-making process by contributing rigorous, objective, and systematic analyses of the clinical, economic, ethical, societal and environmental value of technologies (medications, devices, equipment, applications, AI), interventions (screening, diagnostics, medical or psychosocial treatments) and intervention methods.

The range of fields and topics we cover reflects the versatility of our team. Our recent projects have included assessments of innovations, mental health, telehealth, human resource management, training and teaching, drug treatments, and other facets of healthcare. 

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A decision to make?

We are here to help you : uetmis-ss.comtl@ssss.gouv.qc.ca


When should you contact us?

The time required for our products and services varies depending on how complex the request is and the type of request. We recommend that you contact us early in your thinking process so that we can optimize our research and analysis.


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