
Background & Symptoms

The measles virus recently resurfaced in Québec and cases have been reported in the Montreal area.  Given the growing number of cases, the highly contagious nature of the virus and the potential severity of the disease, the Direction régionale de santé publique de Montréal wishes to reiterate that vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and others!

Make sure you are up-to-date on your measles vaccine.


Who is protected against measles?

  • Adults born before 1970
  • Those who have serology showing antibodies to measles
  • Those who have had diagnostic testing confirming they have had measles (e.g., NAAT, serology)
  • Those who have a medical certificate confirming they had measles prior to January 1, 1996
  • Those who have written proof of measles vaccination. The number of doses required for people to be considered protected varies: 
2 doses1 dose
People born between 1970 and 1979 who are either interns, healthcare workers, travellers or military recruitsPeople born between 1970 and 1979 who are neither interns, nor healthcare workers, travellers or military recruits
People born after 1980 

Doses of the vaccine must have been administered as of 12 months of age, with a minimum interval of four weeks between doses.


Helpful links

Gouvernement du Québec - Measles
Gouvernement du Québec – Santé Montréal - Measles

Pre-triage measures

1) Continue wearing procedure mask as is required in all acute care settings

2) All persons born after 1970 must be pre-triaged for measles upon arrival at the reception desks: The following questions are to be asked


Does the person have any of the following clinical manifestations?

  • Fever

  • Generalized maculopapular rash

  • Cough, runny nose(rhinitis) or red watery eyes (conjunctivitis)

*Anyone with any of the items should avoid visiting a family living facility or going to work and must immediately seek medical advice to confirm or rule out the disease

  • Resident in family living facilities with suspected measles must remain in their rooms wearing an N95 mask until they have been medically assessed.
  • Give an N-95 mask to the person and to the person accompanying him/her, if applicable or a procedure mask.
  • Promptly admit this person to a negative pressure room.
    • If no negative pressure room is available, place into a single room and keep the room door closed.
  • Place an airborne additional precaution sign on the door.
  • Have this person assessed immediately by the physician.
  • If it is a suspected measles case, create a list of people in the waiting room, including children under 12 months and immunocompromised people (for contact tracing) and immediately notify the Infection Prevention and Control Consultant.
Go to the next question
Has the person been in contact with anyone diagnosed with measles in the last three weeks?Go to the next question
Has the person received a call from the Direction Régionale de la Santé Publique de Montréal concerning exposure to measles?You can resume your usual activities.

Anyone born after 1970 must have their Measles vaccination assessed and if considered unprotected, encouraged to be vaccinated promptly.

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