Major Infrastructure Projects in Good Hands…

    Major Infrastructure Projects in Good Hands…

    In each issue of the newsletter, we spotlight a member of our organization. This month, we would like to introduce you to Annabel Pineda Bovino, Professional Coordinator—Capital Assets and TSD Business Partner—Major Public Infrastructure Projects Portfolio Management with the Technical Services Directorate—Capital Assets (projects). Very much hands-on, she is there to address the needs of every department involved, while respecting the CIUSSS’ overall direction. As such, she is interested in project performance and keeps an eye on costs, scope and schedules, among other things.

    Ms. Bovino, can you talk to us about your academic background and how you came to be in your current role? 
    “In 2009, I graduated from Cégep du Vieux-Montréal with a diploma of college studies in architecture. Then, in 2013, I became an engineer after earning a bachelor’s degree in construction engineering specializing in building construction from the École de technologie supérieure in Montréal. The program consisted of three internships, which introduced me to various aspects of the profession.

    My first internship was at SDK, a firm specializing in structural engineering. I then spent time with the McGill University Health Centre’s Technical Services Directorate, where I got my start in project management at the Royal Victoria Hospital and the Montreal General Hospital. My last internship was at Pomerleau, where I was involved in the construction of the Westmount Recreation Centre.”

    What were your first jobs?
    “My professional journey started at Unigertec, a general contracting company specializing in institutional and industrial construction, where I worked on various projects for Hydro-Québec and on the construction of an elementary school in the borough of Saint-Laurent. I then joined Ventilex, a company specialized in ventilation. While at Ventilex, I was involved in several projects including the construction of a CHSLD and a courthouse in Saint-Jérôme. 

    From 2018 to 2021, I worked at CIMA+, an engineering consulting firm. On the project management side of things, I was involved in the “Growing Up Healthy” project at CHU Sainte-Justine, which involved the redevelopment of the Mother and Child Department and the blood bank.”  

    In a way, these experiences paved the way for you to join our CIUSSS 
    “Yes, exactly! I started at our CIUSSS in November 2021 as a building consultant and was assigned to two major public infrastructure projects: the Dorval Alternative Home and the Maisons des aînés in Pierrefonds-Roxboro–Dollard-des-Ormeaux and Pointe-Claire.

    When you’re working on major public infrastructure projects, what inspires you?
    “You know, we all turn to the CIUSSS for care and services at some point or another. So what motivates me is the thought of addressing very real needs by being part of something that is enduring. Since these projects involve a significant amount of transversality, I am able to see how each of the directorates concerned connect with one another. I enjoy being on site and validating the feasibility of plans and specifications in order to fully understand the needs of the various parties involved. 

    I’m also fortunate to be part of a dedicated team that is right in the middle of the action, which is very promising for the future of our organization. My manager, Carlos Benavides, Associate Director of Technical Services – Capital Assets, is an outstanding communicator whose vision is focussed on the highest standards of quality. He is well aware of all the challenges relating to construction and is always attentive and open to our ideas and initiatives, which is very motivating.     

    What are your main duties as far as managing these major projects? 
    “I provide technical support. I assist stakeholders when it comes to infrastructure-related design, construction and quality control, as well as other aspects such as equipment, operating budgets, digital transformation and building activation.  

    I’m also there to establish a work methodology that is based on the highest standards of quality management. The idea is to develop a cross-functional governance structure that can be tailored to every major infrastructure project, a template of sorts that provides a quick overview of a project, including the traditional phases, status reports and document traceability. This way, we can avoid potential blind spots.”

    Ms. Bovino kindly agreed to share some aspects of her personal life with us …

    Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your family?
    “I’m a first-generation Quebecker. My parents immigrated to Québec more than forty years ago. My mother is from Uruguay and my father is from El Salvador.

    My sister and I grew up in Saint-Henri. We moved back to Uruguay for a brief period, and that’s where I completed Grade six.” 

    What are your favourite hobbies?
    “I recently took up cycling. Thanks to special software, I can focus on points such as cardio, resistance and cadence.  Being able to work remotely allows me to get on my bike at 6 am twice a week for hour-long sessions.

    I also love playing pool and watching my favourite sports on TV. These include boxing, basketball and cheering on the Uruguayan soccer team of course!” 

    Do you have a hidden talent?
    “While I don’t claim to be an expert, I used my free time during the pandemic to renovate my basement.  It was quite an interesting experience.”

    Very few people know that…
    “Music plays a very important role in my life. I enjoy Rhythm & Blues, rap and hip-hop. I love listening to “All Da Way Live” on CKUT, the campus community radio station based at McGill University. I also follow several DJs on the club scene in Montréal. Lastly, I have a weak spot for comedian Pierre Brassard that dates back to his days on “Bleu Poudre”. I appreciate his ability to be self-deprecating.”

    A neighbourhood meeting for the future Maison des aînés Pierrefonds-Roxboro–Dollard-des-Ormeaux. Ms. Bovino is seated on the right.

    A photo featuring several members of the Technical Services Directorate. Ms. Bovino, centre, is part of the Middle Management Succession Program. “I like to take my time when explaining the long-term added value of a project to people as I guide and support them through change,” says Ms. Bovino modestly. Who knows, maybe I’ll be a mentor some day.”

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