Have you Witnessed a Wrongdoing? Report It!

    Have you Witnessed a Wrongdoing? Report It!

    What exactly is a wrongdoing? A wrongdoing is any act committed or about to be committed against our CIUSSS and that constitutes a contravention of a law or a regulation applicable in Québec, or a serious breach of the standards of ethics and professional conduct. Examples of wrongdoings include: misappropriation of funds/supplies, falsification of reported work hours, and undeclared conflicts of interest.  

    Did you know that you can report a wrongdoing in strict confidence and without fear of reprisal to our institution’s officer responsible for dealing with disclosures? Anonymous and confidential disclosures can be made through one of the following three channels:

    1. Web-based platform
    2. Email: divulgation.comtl@kpmg.ca
    3. Toll-free number: 1 844 923-0144 (phone line dedicated exclusively to our CIUSSS)

    For a disclosure to be admissible it must:

    1. Be made in the public interest and not for personal purposes;
    2. Allege a wrongdoing within the meaning of the Act
    3. Allege that a wrongdoing has been committed or is about to be committed against the CIUSSS;
    4. Be submitted within no more than one year after becoming aware of the facts.

    A disclosure is inadmissible and handled by other bodies in the following cases:

    • Working conditions: referred to the Labour Relations Department;
    • Conflicts of interest between employees: referred to the Labour Relations Department;
    • Harassment between users and employees: referred to the Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner.

    For more information about disclosing a wrongdoing, go to the Toolbox on the intranet. If you have any questions, contact Nancy Youssef, Senior Advisor and Head of our CIUSSS’ Internal Audit Office:  nancy.youssef.comtl@ssss.gouv.qc.ca.

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