Valentine’s Day with Our Seniors…

The communities at our nine CHSLDs got creative in finding ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day and show some love for our seniors. There were concerts, chocolates and roses, karaoke, student visits and much more! These heartfelt and friendly initiatives not only brought smiles to seniors’ faces, but also to those of staff, family members and volunteers at our facilities. At some facilities, the festivities even went on for several days!

Every picture tells a story. Here are a few from the activities at some of our CHSLDs.


Photo 1:  A beautifully decorated trolley wound its way through the residential
 units at the Centre d’hébergement de Dorval. Recreation technician Sophie Hatin and resident Yvan Lagüe distributed red roses and slices of cake to the residents.

Photo 2:  At St. Anne’s Hospital, the residents celebrated Valentine’s Day with a concert featuring Michel Comeau.

Photo 3:  At the Centre d’hébergement de Lachine, several staff members joined in a karaoke session, to everyone’s pleasure!

Photo 4:  Students from Collège Sainte-Anne handed out chocolates and valentines to the residents at the Centre d’hébergement de Lachine. Resident Gisèle Le Cavalier certainly appreciated this visit and kindness.

Photo 5:  A heritage-themed dance troupe brought happy memories to residents at the Centre d’hébergement de LaSalle.

Photo 6:  A very funny clown made heart-shaped balloon sculptures that delighted resident Estelle Goldman at the Centre d’hébergement de Dorval.

Photo 7:  Several residents at the Centre d’hébergement de LaSalle had a chance to take to the dance floor with members of the dance troupe who came to perform for them.


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